2021: 10th International Boule Tournament of Eurojumelages in Bad Breisig 

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On 28th August 2021, Peter Backes, the chairman of Eurojumelages, together with the 1st Boule-Treff Bad Breisig and the Bonn association, invited members of Eurojumelages to participate in the 10th International Boule Tournament, in Bad Breisig.

2021: First post-covid-19 French course 

mope pont 170The course was originally planned for September 2020; due to covid-19 it was then postponed to June 2021, but finally organised in September!!
I couldn't believe it anymore, because starting with 48 registrations and finishing with19 was very complicated!!

But today the worries are forgotten and I am left with a feeling of relief and satisfaction. We had a very dynamic group composed of 7 Spaniards, 11 Germans and 1 Dane who adapted perfectly to the different course locations but were assiduously present for their class every morning from 9 am to 1 pm.

2021: Report Cycling and Walking Event NYSA-ODRA

nysa stettin 170The 10th cycling and walking meeting NYSA-ODRA, organized by the Gorzow Eurojumelage section, took place in Police between the 8th to the12th September 2021. After the meeting had been cancelled in 2020 due to the Corona situation, it was a great pleasure for all participants to meet again and spend a few days walking, cycling and exchanging ideas together. Participants of the meeting included 9 twinners from Germany, 1 from France and 19 from Poland, who met at the Doboz Hotel in Police on 8th September 2021 after a private journey. The meeting was officially opened by Adam Poholski and Tomasz Miedwiediew after dinner at 19:00.

2021: OSCAR in Wrocław

Ringmarkt 170OSCAR 2021 took place from 28th June to 2nd July 2021 in Wrocław (in former times: Breslau) in Lower Silesia/Poland. As every member of Eurojumelages knows, OSCAR is an event where sport-loving twinners from several national federations of Eurojumelages meet to cycle, walk and forge and consolidate new and old friendships between people from different European countries. After OSCAR 2020 had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic, far fewer participants than usual met in Wrocław: only 6 from Germany, 19 from France and 17 from Poland.

Due to high incidences of corona in Germany and Poland, the Foreign Office in Germany had recommended refraining from tourist trips to Poland.

Multi-Section Meeting in Ireland Sept 2019

Galway0919Jumelages Galway Section hosted a Multi-Section Meeting in the South East of Ireland incorporating two cities, Kilkenny and Waterford, from the 8th to 13th September 2019. In all 51 people attended this Multi-Section Meeting comprising of representatives from the Bonn Section, Nord Isere Section, La Rochelle Section, Bielsko-Biala Section and the Galway Section. In addition, we had guest visitors from the Darmstadt Section in Germany in attendance.
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Cours de cuisine à Valence

Galway0919Quatre Espagnols , une Allemande et trois Français se sont partagés les fourneaux de différents établissements culinaires à Valencia . Chaque journée fut différente. Bien sûr que nous avons cuisiné la célèbre paella qui est née dans cette région de l’Albufera et qui était un plat pour les gens de la campagne qui travaillaient la terre, mais nous avons appris, tous les petits secrets pour qu’elle soit parfaite. !!!

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Cours d’espagnol à Carmona

CarmonaCette année encore, le 30 mars 2019, pour notre pur bonheur, notre chef organisateur Camilo nous a rassemblés dans un très bel hôtel au nom prestigieux de l’Alcazar de la Reina à Carmona (40 000 habitants) à l’est de Séville dans la vaste province d’Andalousie. La ville est composée de parties bien distinctes, délimitées par une enceinte maure. La partie ancienne bâtie au sommet d’une colline surplombe une plaine agricole d’une grande richesse. On disait de Carmona qu’elle était inexpugnable. La rencontre est toujours très chaleureuse et l’on sent cette amitié indéfectible tissée au cours de ces séjours studieux et de visites des alentours.
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Nantes - Sarrebruck : 50 ans de jumelage

Saarbrucken photo groupeDu 25 août au 1er septembre 2018 les jumeleurs nantais ont retrouvé leurs amis allemands de Sarrebruck et Cottbus à l'hôtel Mercure de  Sarrebruck pour leur semaine de rencontre annuelle. Cette année elle avait une saveur particulière puisque les jumeleurs sarrois célébraient le 50ème anniversaire de la création de leur association. Une réception a eu lieu à  l'hôtel de ville où ils ont été accueillis par Mme le maire, Charlotte Britz.

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